Biering Family

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

 I enjoyed every minute of photographing this beautiful family! Little Miss R is such a photogenic little lady and mostly smiles for the camera!! I can't wait to photograph this family again!  

Weekly Photo Challenge Winner | Happy Theme

Congrats to our "HAPPY'' theme winner Amanda Lynn Photography!! 

1.) How long have you been a photographer? 

I have always had some interest in photography, but it wasn’t until a few years ago when I took a step away from my enrollment as a fashion student to ‘figure’ myself out… That I really began to take a step back & figure out what I was into, what I could potentially see myself doing for the rest of my life & be happy doing. My husband was deployed to Afghanistan & I needed an outlet, a distraction of sorts, something to throw myself into. This is when my interest for photography formed into a passion, the more I learned the more in love I fell. Before I knew it all I thought about was taking photos, Youtube, photography books, pinterest (we all do it), anything to learn more. So one day I jumped full force into it, went out & enrolled myself into the New York Institute of Photography. I am now a certified professional photographer & I couldn’t be happier. Of course I still have a lot to learn, but that’s part of the beauty of being a photographer. There is ALWAYS something new to learn, something to improve upon & room to grow. 

2.)What is your biggest accomplishment as a photographer? 

At this very moment, while I am putting this tell all together, the doorbell just rang & the mailman handed me a package from NYIP. Finally after all the hard work I have done, late nights, balancing husband, baby, & school.. my photography certification certificate has arrived. How perfect is that timing huh?! This is my biggest accomplishment.. thus far. 

3.) What is your favorite thing to photograph? 

The REAL moments. The little moments in between poses, where you can really feel what the subjects are feeling. A mom watching her children from afar, a husband admiring his wifes beauty, a child laughing uncontrollably from her parents tickling, those are the moments that mean something to the family, & are the reminders why I love doing what I do. 

4.) If you could give one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be? 

Well, 2 things that I wish someone would have said to me when I first started. 

One, do not compare your work to another photographers. It is not doing anyone any good. There is always going to be someone who has been at it longer than you & has had the chance to develop their skill. You can gawk & say I would like to get there someday but just know they started where you’re at too. Let it instead, motivate & inspire you to keep pushing forward.

& two.. You can have the fanciest camera in the world.. but if you don’t know how to use it properly then what does it matter? Do your research, study, learn, develop, talk with other photographers. Some of the best photos I have ever seen were on one of the lower end DSLR camera. It’s not about the camera, but rather how you use it. 

Check her out on Facebook | Amanda Lynn Photography

Weekly Photo Challenge Winner | Macro

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Last week's photo challenge winner was the lovely and talented Caroline Gindro Photographe

1.) How long have you been a photographer? 

I’ve always loved photography, but it really began to grow on me with the birth of my third child four years ago. I took millions of photos of my kids, but I was always shooting in auto mode and began to feel frustrated about it. Two years ago someone lent me a Nikon D200. I just fell in love with it and knew I had to learn how to use a DLSR. I’ve bought a Nikon D7000 and learned by myself, reading tons of books, watching videos, and following a course online. I practiced a lot on my children, my cat, my Dalmatian, and on the nature that I love with my macro lens. Now I shoot in full frame, and I love it, especially since I’m an on location photographer and it’s great with low light condition. 

2.) What is your biggest accomplishment as a photographer?

So far, I haven’t got many clients, because my business is really new, I started professionally two month ago. But as a pro, my biggest accomplishment would be to have a client who doesn’t love herself pregnant, telling me that she loves my photos and thanking me for reconciling her with pregnancy.

3.) What is your favorite thing to photograph?

Childhood! I love everything about the little ones, capturing every detail, just trying to immortalize how they truly are, because they grow so fast! And I just love to capture the connection between a baby and their parents. It's so precious!

4.) If you could give one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?

Know your camera by heart, learn everything you can about technics, and practice practice practice! But beside the technical part, just trust your instinct and your creativity and shoot what you love, it’s the most important to me. 

Check her out on Facebook!

Weekly Photo Challenge Winner | Family

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Our weekly photo challenge winner is From This Moment Photography! Congrats, your image was stunning! 

Q: How long have you been a photographer? 

 A: I fell in love with photography when I took a film photography class when I was 16 but the spark grew even more with the birth of my son. I wanted to capture every little moment, and it was then that I wanted to give that to other people. Those special moments you want to capture forever. My business is still new, only 6 months. But my little boy and husband are my inspiration to keep pushing forward. 

Q: What is your biggest accomplishment as a photographer? 

A: So far my biggest accomplishment would be people coming to me for advice, makes me feel like I'm doing something right. I can be overly hard on myself sometimes.

Q: What is your favorite thing to photograph? 

A: Aside from my son, my favorite thing to photograph would be engagement. When you can just feel the love coming from the couple through the photos, its pretty amazing. 

Q: If you could give one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?

 A: As I am still starting out myself, the best thing that happened to me was fellow photographers. They have become some of my best friends and they give me awesome advice. Also, learn learn learn and practice! I studied a bunch of how to books and videos and learned my camera inside and out. I then went and took what I had learned and put it into practice and learned through trial and error. I am still learning and always will. Don't give up.

Check out From This Moment Photography on Facebook!

Mother's Day | Zoo Trip

Saturday, May 10, 2014

My Mother's Day gift from my kids was a trip to Columbia's Riverbanks Zoo! It was so hot outside (90 degrees) today, but even though it was hot we still had such a wonderful time. The look on my daughter's face for her first trip to the zoo (that she can actually remember) was so amazing to see. It reminds me just how much I love being a mother. My kids may work my very last nerve but I wouldn't trade them for anything in this world. They are truly one of a kind and I am so blessed to be their mom! 

Mother's Day 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I had such a blast shooting these amazing mom's and their beautiful children! Check out my favorites below!