Our weekly photo challenge winner is From This Moment Photography! Congrats, your image was stunning!
Q: How long have you been a photographer?
A: I fell in love with photography when I took a film photography class when I was 16 but the spark grew even more with the birth of my son. I wanted to capture every little moment, and it was then that I wanted to give that to other people. Those special moments you want to capture forever. My business is still new, only 6 months. But my little boy and husband are my inspiration to keep pushing forward.
Q: What is your biggest accomplishment as a photographer?
A: So far my biggest accomplishment would be people coming to me for advice, makes me feel like I'm doing something right. I can be overly hard on myself sometimes.
Q: What is your favorite thing to photograph?
A: Aside from my son, my favorite thing to photograph would be engagement. When you can just feel the love coming from the couple through the photos, its pretty amazing.
Q: If you could give one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
A: As I am still starting out myself, the best thing that happened to me was fellow photographers. They have become some of my best friends and they give me awesome advice. Also, learn learn learn and practice! I studied a bunch of how to books and videos and learned my camera inside and out. I then went and took what I had learned and put it into practice and learned through trial and error. I am still learning and always will. Don't give up.
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